It has been draining an area in the northern part of Odsherred, Denmark for over 70 years, more precisely since 1951. But now the pump can't do it anymore, and it has gradually worn out so much that it no longer makes sense to repair it. That is why the association "Klintsø Dike- and Pumpelag" has got a brand new pump. The old drawings were intact, so Lykkegaard has produced a pump in exactly the same dimensions as the old one, so that it fits the installation and the pump house.
Karsten Lykkegaard's grandfather produced the pump i 1951 for the local landowners' pumping station. It has five pumps of different sizes, which ensure that rain and surface water can be directed away.
The local Tengslemark Smedie is responsible for daily maintenance. Blacksmith Hans Højvang has looked after the pumps for the past many years.
So it was also him and a friend who dismantled the pump and delivered it to the Lykkegaard factory.
It was though no longer profitable to renovate the pump, thus the pump association decided to invest in a brand new pump.
The new pump is galvanized to be more rust-resistant and less vulnerable to scratches and scuffs when it is installed. It should likely be able to last 70 years, just like the old one.
The vast majority of pumps that are finished here at Lykkegaard are either sent out into the world - or we deliver them ourselves to assemble them. But just in this case, Hans Højvang and his friend came themselves and picked up the pump and installed it in the pump house in Odsherred.
The old pump is worn out and has been diaassembled at the factory and separated into recyclable parts. At Lykkegaard we recycle as much as possible and we separate our goods into more than 40 different fragments, and hand over to
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We offer maintenance and repair of our products and pumps from other suppliers. We also provide quality consultancy concerning selection of the perfect solution.
LM Lykkegaard A/S
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5863 Ferritslev
Tlf. +45 65 98 13 16
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