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Real craftsmanship is recycling as much as possible

A new pump build from reused parts from 57-year old pumps

New pump build mainly from reused parts from old pumps

Two worn-out twin pumps from Rørvig have been assembled into one functional pump and then we are building a new one.

The homeowners' association at the Langesøvænget summer house area in Rørvig has had two identical Lykkegaard pumps since 1967 to ensure that the houses are not flooded during wet periods.

The pumps have been serviced and repaired a handful of times over the past 57 years. But now they were getting so worn out that the pump guild expected them to need replacing.

Casting steel requires a lot of energy and is a demanding CO2 process. We have always known that, but when we work with CO2 accounts and ESG it just becomes more clear. That is why we are also extra happy that we managed to assemble one pump from recycled pump parts from the two old pumps. This way we skip the large CO2 emissions that would otherwise have occurred when the steel had to be melted down.

So now they get one brand new and one that is largely created from the old pump parts.

“It takes a little extra research to find out how much of the existing pumps can be recycled. And then of course there is a lot of work to restore the pump parts and paint them so that they become strong again and can last for many more years. It takes at least as much craftsmanship to restore and recreate the pump, rather than “just” building a new one”. But it is satisfying to be able to deliver a “new” recycled pump from the almost 60-year-old pump parts,” says Karsten Lykkegaard, owner of Lykkegaard A/S.


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