Owing to the more and more frequent cloudbursts, many large open or closed rainwater basins are established these days. In particular in towns, this is often a challenge, however, because areas for basins are not available.
During a cloudburst that hit Copenhagen in July 2011, on average 100 mm of water fell in an area of 200 square kilometres in the capital city. This is 20 billion litres of water, corresponding to the quantity of water in 8,000 swimming pools of Olympic dimensions and of a depth of two metres.
In the nature of things, heavy cloudburst will occur but the example emphasises the importance of including climate adaptation and action plans in the municipal future budgets and several of the municipalities in Denmark located in areas near the coast have therefore also started to invest in new high water solutions consisting of dike and pumping systems that can together lead the water around the built-up areas.
In Denmark alone, Lykkegaard propeller pumps have been installed in more than 2,000 installations and are an important part in the prevention of floods. The combination with a specially designed propeller installed in a pump housing dimensioned on the basis of the maximum requirements of the plant secures a very high pumping effect, which is decisive in critical situations.
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We offer maintenance and repair of our products and pumps from other suppliers. We also provide quality consultancy concerning selection of the perfect solution.
LM Lykkegaard A/S
Nyborgvej 35
5863 Ferritslev
Tlf. +45 65 98 13 16
Fax +45 65 98 15 65
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